H.E. Mrs. Rukhsana Rehman, Senior Joint Secretary, Ministry of Ports & Shipping, 
H.E. Mr. Ghulam Ali Baloch, Secretary Secondary Education, Balochistan,
H.E. Mr. Dostain Khan Jamaldini, Chairman Gwadar Port Authority, 
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Teachers and students,

Aslam Alecum!
On behalf of the Chinese ambassador to Pakistan Mr. Sun Weidong, it's my great pleasure to be invited to the beautiful Gwadar Port today, to attend the School Bus donation ceremony by China Overseas Port Holding Company. I'd like to extend my warm felicitation to the successful organizing of the ceremony and my sincere thanks to the long time support extended to Gwadar Port by the government of Pakistan, Balochistan, Gwadar district, GPA, security forces and all relevant authorities.
 Donation of 3 buses to the local schools by COPHC shows the high sense of social responsibility and sincere commitment of the Chinese companies to the local people. We hope COPHC will take root in Gwadar Port, along with local people, through constructing and developing Gardar Port, actively contribute to the local economy, people’s livelihood and employment.
 With the development of the construction and operation, Gwardar Port will attract more investments, which will promote the development of different sectors and contribute to local social economic development, directly or indirectly. The supporting projects such as road, water and power, telecommunication, hospitals, schools will also bring concrete benefits to the local people.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Gwadar Port is the product of long term China-Pakistan cooperation. It is a project symbolizing China-Pakistan friendship. In 2001, Chinese government decided to invest and construct the Gwadar deep sea port. In 2002, the ground breaking ceremony of Gwadar Port was held here. In 2007, people of both countries witnessed the completion of the new friendship monument.
 Important progress has been made in the new era for the development of Gwardar Port. With joint efforts, COPHC officially took over the operation of Gwadar Port in May, 2013, which drew a new Chapter of China-Pakistan cooperation. Since the taking over of the port last year, COPHC has done a lot of effective and fruitful work. The number of cargo ships berthing, loading and unloading in the port as well as the throughput increased. The detecting and repairing of the port facilities is well underway. The whole operational situation of the port shows a sound growth momentum.
Gwardar port has a broad prospecting future. It is the south end and emphasis of the China Pakistan economic corridor, which is cared and supported by both governments and leaders. Pakistani government has made magnificent plans for the development of Gwardar Port, vigorously promotes the supporting projects such as Free Zone, and takes special security measures to guarantee the future development. Chinese government lays great importance and will continue to support the construction and development of the Port, encourage more enterprises to invest here and share the development and prosperity with Pakistan.
We will do our level best to support the development and improvement of the local society and people’s livelihood. Chinese embassy in Pakistan will donate Rs. 2 million to 3 schools to improve the infrastructure. We will donate Rs. 1 million to Gwadar Hospital for purchasing medicine and equipments. In future, we will continue to provide such assistance to benefit the local people.
Dear friends and brothers, China and Pakistan are good neighbors, good partners, good friends and good brothers. The bilateral relationship between us transcends the vicissitudes of time and political change, setting an ideal example of relationship between 2 countries. At present, China-Pakistan relationship maintains a strong momentum of development. Both countries are vigorously propelling the construction of China Pakistan economic corridor, which provides vast opportunities for the mutual beneficial cooperation between the two countries and the whole region as well.
The good sentiment between the 2 peoples is the foundation for the development of China Pakistan relationship. Based on the traditional friendship, we shall further solid the friendly foundation, expand mutual beneficial cooperation to benefit both peoples. Let’s join our hands together, come down to earth, work hard to construct and develop Gwardar Port, make it a shining pearl in Indian Ocean and contribute to the China-Pakistan friendship.
China Pakistan Dosti Zindabad!

Thank you!